PHProxy Template #8 – Underground

Another free open source template designed by StyleShout. This template is now even faster to configure with an updated config.php file. It also features a new Google search bar. You may remove our links and sponsored links if you purchase a licence , but please note that you will need to purchase an additional licence to remove the link to Styleshout.

Do NOT remove any sponsored links while using our templates
unless you have purchased a licence!

Already downloaded by 2861 users ( Click here to remove links )
password to unzip template: freeproxytemplates

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20 Responses to PHProxy Template #8 – Underground

  1. peter says:

    Just want to let you know that this last template you have done won’t work with the config, adsense just doesn’t seem to show up.

  2. peter says:

    Up date!

    It’s working now it’s silly me adding a extra/ and that’s all it was, great template.

  3. Andrew says:

    @peter, No worries glad it sorted itself out!

  4. Josue says:

    Can you please script this is zelune or curlphp please

  5. Andrew says:

    If more people like yourself want it Josue, I’d be happy to do it.

  6. Josue says:

    ok thank you so much andrew ill keep checking up in case you do
    thank you

  7. Rannek says:

    Wow, awsome design and great coding. This is a kind of template i’d use if i were to create a proxy website! :)

  8. jack says:

    thanks man, im making 10 bucks a day off one of ur templates. thanks a lot!

  9. Desi says:


    Awesome Template, just one small issue can anyone tell me how to shows “Click here More Options” Box like on


  10. arian says:

    Hi all,

    I have put my adsense pub and chanel ID on the config.php files and the adsense does not seem to show up. I am not even getting any page impressions (I know that I am having visitors). Can you please help and tell me what could possibly be wrong. I’d really appriciate your answer.

    Thank you in advance

  11. Arymaan says:


    First, Thanks for this great service. The templates are great and I have implemented them on one of my sites.

    But the problem is after I changed my host the google search bar falls onto middle of the page. It does’nt look good. Also, When I tried to add the same template to other sites the top most “social” bar won’t show up (

    Any Solution?? Thanks in advance. I will appreciate if you help me out.

  12. DefiantRican says:

    Can anyone tell me why when I click on the Myspace, YouTube and so on on the top, it goes to the site, but is in German or dutch.

  13. The Real Proxy says:

    tnx for this i already usded this template for my account…

  14. thanks for the template !!!
    You’re such a big help !!

  15. kanseriyim says:

    thanks man, im making 10 bucks a day off one of ur templates. thanks a lot!

  16. favorites says:

    Thanks for great service and good-looking templates.

  17. pproxy says:

    Fantastic Template, Probs the one that generates the most revenue!

  18. Adam says:

    Thanks for the template!

  19. Gerry says:

    How do I turn off “Remove Scripts” in this template? Any box I try to uncheck keeps automatically rechecking itself.
    I want to uncheck ‘remove scripts’ box so my users can watch youtube videos but I cannot do it.


  20. brian says:

    does this work with facebook? i can’t seem to get this to work with facebook. it worked sometimes with friendster but facebook, no.

    any special configuration i have to do?

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