Link Removal

Proxy webmasters using our templates benefit from some of the best proxy designs on the internet for free. All we ask is that a link back to is maintained, and any sponsor links in the footer remain intact. You must not remove our links unless you purchase a licence.

Why buy a licence?

  • Buying a licence allows you to remove ALL links to, and to remove our sponsored links. This gives you complete control over your proxy site. It also helps us to develop new templates, modifications and support guides – all of which remain free.
  • It costs just $10 USD per domain to remove the links on our templates. This $10 is a one-off charge, and permits you to use any of our current or future templates on the licensed domain without our links.
  • Licences are attributed to a domain, so if you sell your site, the licence will still be valid. Licences are not transferable from one domain to another.

To purchase a licence, please click pay now below and select the number of licences you wish to purchase. Please include the URL(s) in the additional information section.



Once you have received your payment confirmation from PayPal, you are free to remove our links. The domain(s) will also be added to our database of licensed sites.

Please note that templates 6 and 8 are subject to additional licence conditions from Styleshout, template 7 from Arcsin, and template 4 from DirectoryMix; please do not remove Styleshout, Arcsin or DirectoryMix links without purchasing an additional licence from them.

If you do not wish to pay anything, you are still welcome to use our templates, but you must leave the appropriate links in place. We have developed ways to track sites that use our templates without our links. This is copyright theft, and will be dealt with accordingly.