Template #6 – StyleShout!

This template was first designed by StyleShout, I’ve just integrated AdSense and PHProxy into the template. It is 100% XHTML/CSS valid and I’ve made it easier for you guys to customize. All you need to do is change the config.php and topsites.php file to your website settings, upload and off you go ;)

Please do NOT remove any sponsored links while using our templates unless you have purchased a licence!

Downloads: ( Click here to remove links )
password to unzip template: freeproxytemplates

Since the last download, not many people have been keeping my links up. While I’m happy that you’ve taken the time to download my templates, it is also very frustrating to me that people would just “steal” the credit for my works. So please, do not remove the links back to this site, that’s all I ask for since I provide you with a free service. If you wish to remove the links, then you may purchase a licenceto do so. Please note that for this particular template you will also need to purchase an additional licence from styleshout to remove their link.

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10 Responses to Template #6 – StyleShout!

  1. cynic girls says:

    wow, another new template
    i will use it for my new proxy

    thanks guys, nice work

    ps: don`t worry, i will use your template and not remove your credit link

  2. zahid says:

    Thanks for all these new templates. I would suggest you start giving people an incentive to link to you, for eg. everyone who is not removing the sponsored links can contact you and you can create a links page where you can list their websites. Win win for both the parties.

  3. cynic girls says:

    that nice idea zahid :)

    and for admin
    can you write tutorial, how to optimize phproxy scripts :)

    now my proxy become popular, but get problem
    with server resource, i use 30% server resource in peak time from 2 proxy website :(

    thanks you

  4. zahid says:

    i cant seem to get phproxy to login to myspace. Is there a fix for this ?

  5. prox-tox says:

    your preview page is not proxy secure. I can still browse using the links in navigation bar :-D

  6. Jon says:

    prox-tox – thanks for pointing that out, I have made the necessary modifications…missed it out first time round ;0).
    J Browning – you don’t need the PSD to make color modifications, you can simply change the color in the stylesheet for the template – just find the color # that you want to use for each part and put it in. This is easier than using the PSD, as the whole thing would need recoding when using the PSD.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Now thats a cool proxy template

  8. Ilocos says:

    Nice proxy templates. Keep on designing more!

  9. peter says:

    am not seeing the download button please

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