An extremely easy change to make to your proxy is to write some custom text. All our proxies include a ‘descriptive’ text on the main page, such as the following:
"Welcome to yourproxy! Never let your teachers, boss, or principal control your web browsing again! To bypass web filters, all you have to is type the URL of the website you want to unblock and hit ENTER! Protect your anonymity and remain safe with this site. Why wait any longer? Start unblocking sites now! Remember to bookmark us and to tell your friends."
This text performs several key functions. Most proxy webmasters will be using a content based advertiser, such as Adsense or Adbrite. These programmes search your content, and find appropriate adverts to display. Therefore this content is vital to your adverts (and making you money!). This content also helps the search engines to know what your site is about. It gives you the opportunity to target particular keywords, so that your proxy appears in the appropriate search engine results. The descriptive text also aids advert integration (increasing CTR), and lets your users know a little bit about the site (and how to use it).
So why write your own content when we’ve done it for you? Well, writing your own content allows you to target keywords of your choice. This means that you can find high paying keywords and use this to your advantage to make yourself more money. You can also select a few keywords to target to help search engine optimization. By writing your own text, you won’t just benefit from increased click values; you can help you search engine rankings. The search engines don’t like duplicate content. As each of our templates is downloaded thousands of times, there are plenty of sites already operating with our basic text. By customizing the content, the search engines will not penalise your site for having duplicate content, and you can therefore expect better search engine results. Using the right keywords can drastically alter your earnings potential, but also your sites ranking in the search engines.
There is nothing wrong with keeping the text as it is, but it is these little optimization tricks that can dramatically increase your earnings. All you need to do to change the text is to follow our simple steps:
- Find some keywords that you want to target (read our keyword guide)
- Write some text including these keywords. Don’t overdo it – make sure that the content reads well rather than just listing a load of keywords.
- Find your site files, and open config.php. This file contains the customizable parts of the proxy. Find our text (paragraph text), and just paste over your own content.
- Save it and upload. Check it reads okay and displays correctly – and you’re done!
We see many sites running our templates that don’t even change ‘yourproxy’ with their own name. Remember that a lot of proxy traffic is referral, so you need to push your site name so it sticks. Put a little bit of time in and you’ll reap the benefits!
If you’d like us to write you completely unique content based around high value keywords then check out our services!